Geoff's Website

Black and white illustration prices are on request and will be between £20 and £250

Geoff Taylor has illustrated book covers for many publishers around the world for over 40 years. Geoff is best known within the Fantasy and Sci Fiction genres for his book cover art. working with authors such as Raymond E. Feist, David Eddings, Katharine Kerr, Jack Vance and many others. Warhammer Rulebook

Geoff has created paintings for Games Workshop, the largest role-playing games company in the world, for use on their White Dwarf magazine, Warhammer box covers and bookcovers for the Black Library. Wolf from Wolf Brother

There are also hundreds more illustrations inside books, such as The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness: (Illustration from Wolf Brother Book 1) a series of 6 books by Michelle Paver. Geoff was also one of the illustrators for Jeff Waynes Musical Version of The War of the Worlds Album booklet.

Siesta - wolf cubs resting

Geoff is also an accomplished wildlife artist, this can be seen in the detail of his wildlife art, paintings of wolves, owls, deer and other animals. Wildlife Prints can be found in For Sale section of the website.

To view the artwork, many of which are for sale, go to Galleries then select from the list.

Devil Water This Painting is for Sale

Devil Water. An historical drama set in the time of the Jacobite Risings of 1715 & 1745. The book also focuses on an early misalliance that Charles would have in Northern England that would give him the love of his life, his daughter Jenny. The lives of Charles Radcliffe and Jenny are artfully drawn, taking the reader through two Jacobite rebellions and the political wheeling and dealing that such engendered. The impact that these political intrigues would have upon their lives is well...

Clay's Ark

Clay's Ark. In a violent near-future, Asa Elias Doyle and her companions encounter an alien life form so heinous and destructive, they exile themselves in the desert so as not to contaminate other humans. To resist the compulsion to infect others is mental agony, nut to succumb is to relinquish humanity and free will. Desperate, they kidnap a doctor and his two daughters as they cross the wasteland--and endanger the world.

Sorceress of Darshiva

Sorceress of Darshiva. In this fourth book of The Malloreon, Garion and his companions continue their desperate search for Zandramas, the Child of Dark and abductor of Garion's baby son, Geran. Led by the Orb from Mallorea to the island of Melcena, they discover the place where the Sardion once rested and also find Senji, a self-taught wizard whose undamaged copy of the Ashabine Oracles carries a message for Garion from the evil God Torak. As Zandramas's intention to fulfil the Dark...

Keeper of the Keys

Ivainson Jaric, Keeper of the Keys, heir of the Firelord, is being hunted down by the Accursed. His blood gifts him with raw power but not enough to overcome the evil forces.

Wanderers of the Wolfways

Under the austere, yet inspiring, leadership of Klimt, the Wolves of Time have taken back the Heartland. They have defeated the treacherous Magyar wolves, successfully avoided confrontation with the Mennen, and their first cubs have been raised, one of whom is the god Wulf, in mortal form.

Sailing to Sarantium

The first of a two-volume story continuing that of the world created in "Tigana". The empire of Sarantium is beset to east and west but Valerius II wishes to take back the western lands which gave birth to the empire he now rules. The master mosaicist, Caius Crispus, is called upon to play a role.

As Fate Decrees

Ares would permit no one to change what the Fates had set in motion. In an ancient world, the Fates decree that a Champion will soon be brought forth: a being both mortal and eternal, destined to become as legendary as the Gods to whom she will be forever enslaved. Of the twelve who rule on Mount Olympus, it is Ares, God of War, son of Zeus and Hera, who recognizes both the truth of the divination, and the one who has been chosen. On the eve of the new millennium, the Champion of Olympus is...

The Lords of the Stoney Mountains

It is time for Simon Branthwaite to leave Sandarro, the city where he has lingered since reaching the fabled island of Roackall. Bidding a farewell to his new found love, Princess Ilven, he sets out with Prince Avran to continue his quest for the lost realm of Lyonesse.


Even as a young girl, Jill was a favorite of the magical, mysterious Wildfolk, who appeared to her from their invisible realm. Little did she know her extraordinary friends represented but a glimpse of a forgotten past and a fateful future. Four hundred years-and many lifetimes-ago, one selfish young lord caused the death of two innocent lovers. Then and there he vowed never to rest until he'd rightened that wrong-and laid the foundation for the lives of Jill and all those whom...


A unique perspective of the Arthurian legend, narrated in the first person by the great king himself. In Godwin's story, set in the 5th century amid the collapse of the Roman Empire in Britain, we discover a painfully mortal Arthur, flawed and fallible with a sympathetic distaste for the necessary cruelties of war.