Beneath the Waves

This illustration by Geoff Taylor, was originally used on Beneath the Waves, written by KOMPENDIUM ,

Original Art

Beneath the Waves

Detail Image(s)

Selecting these images will provide an enlargement, and more detail.

fisherman's wife and baby - art by Geoff Taylor
fisherman and fishing boat - art by Geoff Taylor


Selecting these images will provide an enlargement. In some cases the images is of low quality, we hope to improve them when a better image is available. If you can help, or know another instance of the art's use, please contact us.

The album cover for Beneath the Waves by Kompendium - art by Geoff Taylor
Inside album sleeve for Beneath the Waves art by Geoff Taylor - art by Geoff Taylor
Inside album sleeve for Beneath the Waves art by Geoff Taylor - art by Geoff Taylor
Inside sleeve of the album Beneath the Waves illustrations bt Geoff Taylor - art by Geoff Taylor
Abum cover for Kompendium - art by Geoff Taylor


The basic story line is about a young couple's tragic life in a fishing village in Ireland at the start of the 20th century..... This is the cover for a music album by Kompendium. Geoff also did 2 colour and several black and white illustrations for the inside of the album these can be seen in the "Illustrations" Gallery under Kompendium.





Please Quote Ref: 1745

1. Where possible the year shown is the actual creation year, though where this has not been available the first known publication date has been used for reference.