Being a Human (0)

This illustration by Geoff Taylor, was originally used on Being a Human, written by Charles Foster

Original Art

Being a Human


This cover is used for reference purposes only. Neither the artwork or copyright belong to Geoff Taylor, but instead belong to the publisher/artist. Please do not contact us for Details or Availability.

Being a Human (0) - art by Geoff Taylor


Charles Foster is a writer, barrister and traveller. His books cover many fields. They include books on travel, evolutionary biology, natural history, anthropology, theology, archaeology, philosophy and law. Ultimately they are all presumptuous and unsuccessful attempts to answer the questions 'who or what are we?', and 'what on earth are we doing here?' (From his own website)




Not Geoff Taylors

1. Where possible the year shown is the actual creation year, though where this has not been available the first known publication date has been used for reference.