Geoff's Website

Black and white illustration prices are on request and will be between £20 and £250

Geoff Taylor has illustrated book covers for many publishers around the world for over 40 years. Geoff is best known within the Fantasy and Sci Fiction genres for his book cover art. working with authors such as Raymond E. Feist, David Eddings, Katharine Kerr, Jack Vance and many others. Warhammer Rulebook

Geoff has created paintings for Games Workshop, the largest role-playing games company in the world, for use on their White Dwarf magazine, Warhammer box covers and bookcovers for the Black Library. Wolf from Wolf Brother

There are also hundreds more illustrations inside books, such as The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness: (Illustration from Wolf Brother Book 1) a series of 6 books by Michelle Paver. Geoff was also one of the illustrators for Jeff Waynes Musical Version of The War of the Worlds Album booklet.

Siesta - wolf cubs resting

Geoff is also an accomplished wildlife artist, this can be seen in the detail of his wildlife art, paintings of wolves, owls, deer and other animals. Wildlife Prints can be found in For Sale section of the website.

To view the artwork, many of which are for sale, go to Galleries then select from the list.

A Gift Upon the Shore

A mythic story of survival which centres on the lives of two women who survive the nuclear holocaust.

The Light Bearer

Before the fall of the Empire, Rome is a decadent and dangerous place. When Marcus is plucked from the sewers and restored to his father's house he makes enemies. Auriane's destiny is one of war and blood-shed; of age-old feuds; and leads her to Marcus, her enemy and her love.


Even as a young girl, Jill was a favorite of the magical, mysterious Wildfolk, who appeared to her from their invisible realm. Little did she know her extraordinary friends represented but a glimpse of a forgotten past and a fateful future. Four hundred years-and many lifetimes-ago, one selfish young lord caused the death of two innocent lovers. Then and there he vowed never to rest until he'd rightened that wrong-and laid the foundation for the lives of Jill and all those whom...

A Secret History of Time to Come

Racial warfare causes the collapse of civilization and a return to barbarism in America. Centuries later a man clad in buckskin explores the dense forests of the North Central States, discovering what is left of society and becoming involved in the rescue of a young girl kidnapped by a raiding band of horsemen from the South.

Servant of the Empire (v2)

Mara of Acoma, Ruling Lady of her house, has now established herself as a force within the Empire. As an expert player of the Game of the Council, she is a master of its bloody political maneuvering. Mara has made gains for her followers, including new lands, but the war effort on the world of Midkemia is draining off manpower, and slaves are difficult to find.. So against advice Mara buys a group of Midkemian prisoners-of-war, only to discover that one of them is a noble: Kevin, third son of...

Beloved Exile

Guinevere, the widow of King Arthur, with the aid of Lancelot, Gareth, and Bedivere, attempts to unite her people in the wake of the chaos that follows Arthur's death--only to be betrayed and sold into servitude.

The City in the Autumn Stars

City in the Autumn Stars. The sequel to The Warhound and the World's Pain, The City in the Autumn Stars continues the story of the German prince Manfred von Bek and his search for the devil for the causes of evil in mankind.

The Company of Glass

Tarquin the Free finds himself forced to risk everything in Jai Khalar, the otherworldly home of the Knowledge, when his homeland Everien is threatened by the Sekk, who command an army almost too large to comprehend.

Shadows in the Watchgate

When American model Tuppence Trilby takes up residence in the quaint quarter of Norwich, she catches the eye of a crazed taxidermist, intent on using his skills to preserve her beauty for eternity.

Warrior's Bond

Einarinn's greatest warrior, the swordsman Ryshad, has sworn to protect his lord, Messire D'Olbriot, even if it means watching his love, the beautiful thief Livak, embark on a dangerous quest to find the lost aetheric magic on her own. But shadow and intrigue lie over the land, and a journey to recover magical artifacts leads the swordsman back to the lost colony of Kellarin, whose settlers have only recently been awoken from centuries of enchanted sleep. Amidst the intricate halls...